job - Run Code as an RStudio Job - Free Your Console
Call job::job({<code here>}) to run R code as an RStudio job and keep your console free in the meantime. This allows for a productive workflow while testing (multiple) long-running chunks of code. It can also be used to organize results using the RStudio Jobs GUI or to test code in a clean environment. Two RStudio Addins can be used to run selected code as a job.
Last updated 6 months ago
7.31 score 252 stars 1 dependents 134 scripts 697 downloads
mcp - Regression with Multiple Change Points
Flexible and informed regression with Multiple Change Points. 'mcp' can infer change points in means, variances, autocorrelation structure, and any combination of these, as well as the parameters of the segments in between. All parameters are estimated with uncertainty and prediction intervals are supported - also near the change points. 'mcp' supports hypothesis testing via Savage-Dickey density ratio, posterior contrasts, and cross-validation. 'mcp' is described in Lindeløv (submitted) <doi:10.31219/> and generalizes the approach described in Carlin, Gelfand, & Smith (1992) <doi:10.2307/2347570> and Stephens (1994) <doi:10.2307/2986119>.
Last updated 6 months ago
7.03 score 106 stars 1 dependents 85 scripts 523 downloads